This is Small Business

Seasons 1 through 4 out now! 

This is Small Business explores the journey to success for small business owners by diving deep into the pivotal moments they have faced and conquered along the way. Brought to you by Amazon, our podcasts follow the ups and downs of starting and building a business, to uncover what it takes to be a successful small business owner today.

Listen to new episodes every Tuesday.

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About the host

Andrea Marquez is a Mexican-American, and award-winning Host and Producer of This is Small Business at Amazon. She joined Amazon to help bring additional resources and tools to aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Andrea is also the creator and former host of an award-winning bilingual podcast seeking to motivate audiences to get involved with the Latinx community. Andrea holds an M.A. in Journalism and Legal Studies from Harvard University and a B.A. from Columbia University.

Andrea Marquez

“I think small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs will relate to these stories because, even though they’re all different, all business owners are trying to figure it out along the way and learning that they don’t have to be an island and that they can ask for help.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the podcast about?

This Is Small Business is a new podcast that pulls back the curtain on pivotal moments in the journey to success for small business owners across the U.S. Each episode focuses on the most pressing challenges small business owners have faced, and how they learned from—and conquered—them on their path to scaling up. The educational and inspirational podcast breaks down each pivotal moment into tangible, actionable takeaways, wrapped in an inspirational small business story. In addition to the small business owners and entrepreneurs, each episode also features industry experts, who will offer best practices, trend analysis, and a unique point of view.

Why did Amazon create this podcast?

As part of our ongoing commitment to support growth of small businesses in Amazon’s store and foster the next generation of brands through free education and resources, Amazon is producing This is Small Business, a podcast that unpacks a pivotal business decision in a small business owner’s journey to success. This new series will complement Amazon’s existing investments in small business education by delivering tangible, inspiring learnings on-the-go. More than half of the products sold in Amazon’s store come from small and medium-sized businesses, and we’re excited to help these small business owners tell their stories through this new podcast.

Does the podcast only feature Amazon sellers?

No, our podcast is not limited to small business owners who sell in Amazon’s store. We feature small businesses and industry experts with diverse products, business backgrounds, and industry knowledge. We are constantly on the search for inspiring stories and lessons to be learned from small business owners themselves.

What criteria do you use to select featured small business guests and experts?

We select small business guests and entrepreneurs who have real-world experience in tackling and overcoming challenges that many small business owners face when trying to launch and scale a business. Expert guests are selected based on their in-depth knowledge on the topic we address in each episode.

How do you determine which brands are small businesses?

We follow Gartner’s definition of small business, which includes businesses that employ fewer than 100 people and have less than $50 million in annual revenue.